Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yes, she still lives!  I'm here, I'm here.  I'm getting a bit faster in making my cards.  When I first started making cards, it would take me weeks to make one.  I would agonize  over each card.  My chest would get tight, etc.  I didn't trust anything I did AND if there was something I didn't like I couldn't just "eyeball" it to know how to fix it.  I felt I just had to have it perfect!  I watched all kinds of videos and tutorials.  Finally, I got the message--just do it.  I can't improve unless I'm doing something to improve upon.  OK.  I'm still anal about the cardmaking but I have gotten better and faster.  I don't agonize (as much)  and find I'm really enjoying it more!  Now I've got to practice with photos and how to get good ones.  I also need a little setup to take good photos.  Any ideas?  Remember my New Year's "suggestions"?  Well, I have been doing better.  Better at cooking more often, house, and especially the cards!!  WOOHOO.

Have a good blessed day!


Monday, January 13, 2014

airbornewife's stamping spot: OWH MWT ~ Holiday/Winter Themed Cards in Multiples#links

I tried to copy pics but all I got was the link.  Still have a lot to learn!  Anyway, go check out airborne wife's blog.  She is great and is a cardmaking Machine! 

airbornewife's stamping spot: OWH MWT ~ Holiday/Winter Themed Cards in Multiples#links 

Monday, January 6, 2014

BRRRRR.  It's beyond cold here.  Our normal daytimes here are in the mid 40's.  Today the high was 16.  Low for tonight is 5 with windchills feeling like -10.  I am definitely not made for this.  I usually don't even wear a coat.  Not now though,  give me coats, lots of coats and wool socks and hats and gloves and anything else that will keep me warm. 

Something wonderful happened to me today.  I won in the Season of Giving blog hop.  I never win anything and I WON.  Wonderful start to 2014.  Thank you to Maria Levine at

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello D'aahlins.  I'd like to share with you an organization that does great work!  Operation Write Home is a group of people who make blank handmade cards that are sent to our military for their use to send home to family and friends.  After all, where they are there aren't any Wal-marts or drugstores on any corner.  Can't make cards you say?  YOU CAN STILL HELP!  There is another part called Any Hero Mail.  These are personal messages, notes, letters that are included with the boxes and are give to our military members, especially those that don't receive alot of mail.  Our heroes have said that the Any Hero mail is often passed around and lifts their spirits and encourages them.  It's easy.  Just jot and note or letter of thanks or encouragement, on real paper/card-these aren't emails, share as much or as little as you like about yourself.  Write as many as you want.  Then send them to Operation Write Home, address on the OWH website.  AND  of course, all monetary donations are greatly needed, postage on all those boxes of cards going to our service members gets really high.  $$ donations can be made - go to  Our military is and has done so much for us and we can help them by saying thanks and bring a smile to their day.  If you know someone who is or has served, say thanks, maybe give them a hug.  I've got one at home-he'll get a hug and a kiss, and my two brothers-in-law both served.  Thank you, you'll get a hug when I see you.  My grandfathers-PawPaw and PaPaw, daddy and brother also served.  Thank you so much.  I know this is long, but this is important to me.  Sooo  smile (make someone's day) and say HI

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!!.  Do you have resolutions?  Me?  No.  I quit that years ago because I'd make them one day and break them within a week.  Wonder if that had anything to do with resolutions were always related to a diet or exercise..hmmmm...  Anyway, now I just do, um,  suggestions.  So my suggestions to myself for 2014 will be:  to make more cards for OWH.  (My craftiness is severely lacking--more on that to come), do better at cleaning house, cook more (boy, this should be an easy one to accomplish), and be more active (another one that should be easy to accomplish).  Nothing about every day, x times a week..just plain and simple, more than I did last year. 

OK, the craftiness part.  I used to be crafty, but years of being tied up with school, job, life, and not doing anything crafty pretty much dried up the creative spirit.  I want to be, but just seem to freeze up.  Doesn't stop me from buying all the stuff though.  A few years back I gave a birthday card to a friend and told her, "I hope you like this card, it cost about 200 dollars and thanks I appreciate that."  You see, I collected but didn't create-I did support the economy though (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).  Flash forward and it's probably a thousand per card.  But, I am starting to get some inspiration going.  It's always been cards that I want to do, not scrapbooking.  I've watched tons of tutorials, followed bunches of blogs and a bizillion blog hops, but didn't put it in to action for fear of not doing it right.  perfectionist?    Finally, I get it, you can't improve if you don't do something to improve upon.  It's only paper, you can toss it.  Have made quite a few now and I agonize over each and every one.  I'm not at a place where I can automatically know what I did that wasn't right, but I do know when it's not right.  I have to set it aside and keep looking at it for awhile to figure it out.  Also, challenges put me in a panic, I don't seem to be able to "create" on demand. It's weeks after the challenge that I finally figure out what I would do. 

So, another suggestion to myself for 2014 is to learn how to do this blog thing (I'm really a private person), learn how to photograph my cards (well) and post them, and to join challenges- I know this will force me to be more forward thinking and acting and creativity will come back. 

So my journey for the year will be... to improve.  I can't wait to see where that takes me.  Come on 2014, I'm ready for you.  Looking forward to the challenges.